Saturday, September 12, 2009

ello, stranger

For the first time in my blogging career, I haven't the slightest clue what to right about. I find myself starring at the computer screen, waiting for something to catch my eye and occupy my brain for a few minutes. Sadly, nothing seems to pop up. On a side note, is anyone reading this? I have this romantic idea that someone, somewhere, actually reads these silly words I write. Maybe I am that interesting something that pre-occupies someones mind. If are, infact, reading these words, would you do me the slightest of favors? Tell me you are. Tell me that my words leave some kind of impression on you, good or bad.
All I needs is a reader.
Just one.
Is it,
P.S. The picture above is one my favorites lately. I like the contrast. I think of it as a light at the end of a dark period. Or, a message that you cant seem to get across. Or, it could just be a nice picture. Whatever, you decide.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Under Construction
Image; Zions Bank Finanical Center

As of late, I have felt so out of place. At school, at work, at home, everywhere; I have been the odd man out, so to speak. I started to hide away from friends, seek privacy, and be confined to the four walls of my bedroom. I began to become introverted for the first time in my life. I began to loose intrest in social status, and constantly being out on the town. I started spending more time on my hobbies; yoga, running, music, writing, photography, etc. I clung close to my family, the people who know me the best. As I started to feel more comfortable with myself, I began contacting close friends. I earned for one on one connections, and intimate conversations. While I was with one of my closest friends in Provo on a photo walk, I snapped the picture above. Its of the un-finished, under construction , Zions bank building. I began thinking, and decided that I, like this building, am under construction. I am slowly building up the person who I want to be, and understanding the person I have been. But unlike the building above, I dont have plans, blue prints, or an end date. For once in my life I am taking my time. I will not feel rushed or hurried. I will not be sloppy or careless. For the project in question isn't a building, its, me.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Generation Mobile
Models~Jessi & Ezera
Song~ Cell-Phones Are Dead by Beck

As I sat on a near by bench in the down town, I notice my friends. They stand gabbing away on their cell phones. Its official; my generation is a generation built on distance. We hide away from face to face contact and instead text, email, comment, message, etc. We create profiles for ourselves on these social network sites for what? So we can connect to people more easily. But when it becomes time to actually meet these people, to have a face to face conversation with them, we decline. We rather have a facebook chat, a intimate texting session, or even if we feel up to it, a conversation via cell phone. I for one am totally over it. I'm ready to actually converse with people face to face, and end these completely ridiculous forms of communication.
* As I write this post I am facebook chatting, and texting. Go ahead, call me a hypocrite.

Hope is Fading
Model~Jessi Basset
Sometimes I find myself walking the streets without any intention. I feel as if my pro activity will bring me joy. Sadly, I'm wrong. As I walk through the streets my depression grows, and my hope dwindles. I see homeless men wanting nothing but a damp cigerate bud, teenagers wanting nothing more then to fit in with their peers, and people who will sadly look back on this day and will be gravely disapointed. Fate is something we cling to, something we hope is true. Sorry folks, its bullshit. Life is life. This is it. Are you happy with yours? Hold on, my phone is ringing.